Postet av Shlomi Ruimi den 15. Okt 2013

Just listening to Janet Jackson , Thats the way love goes, and relaxing with a big glass of red wine in my living room( can i actually write it on my blog???:)))), after a long day full of things that had and still has to be done and the list is still very very very long........trying to find models for my tests at school in november, 6 models for now.....god help me! so smsing ,calling , getting lots of coffee meetings.

then thinking of our Høstvisning( fashion show by us the students at Adam og Eva skolen on the 21st of november) we got the theme and its a great one HARAJUKU( google it) ....and i have been given the responsibility of the makeup of the models and choreography so i have to create some makeup looks, try to find some makeup artists or makeup students to help and assist. Find dancers for the fashion show cause i wanna open the show with a BANG!!!:)))).

Traveling to bergen on friday to teach a jazz class so have to make a new choreography ( if my students are reading my blog now.. i want you to know that i made a great combination for "work bitch" by Brittany off course ;).

TONSSSSSSSSSS TO DO...............And off course in between studying for my theory test in a week and a half , full of papers about colouring,hair,products, skin .......Its sounds like im wining but i swear to god im not:)))))) im just trying to do everything and still find some time for a glass of wine;).

Oh yeah i forgot to mantion that im working on my Facebook new page and my web side ( hair and makeup) that I'm going to lounch soon;)))) so a little taste of a new photo shoot i did with Marte Aubert a very talented photographer and Maria Victoria Hallen a beautiful model:). Im calling it HØST(AUTOMN). ENJOY;).


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